Sunday, October 4, 2009

Today it the first day I have ever blogged


For Many years I have wanted to write a book. I even had a name (and a few chapters). The idea came to me when I had my third child. The kids dad had moved out, and I felt like I was the busiest person on the planet. I was very proud of all I was accomplishing. It wasn't easy but I really think, even now it's worth it.

I am starting this blog for a number of reasons. First, I have learned a lot in my 16 years of parenting. Second, I know I still have a lot to learn. I think that writing ideas, challenges and great moments will help me work through so much! Much like when I have a challenge at work, talking it through usually leads me to a solution.

If anyone is reading this, I appreciate it. If not, I hope eventually someone will. Feedback is very much appreciated. Please be kind, I am human and have a fragile ego!

So, here is where it starts. My next entry will give a much better introduction to who I am, how I got here and what is going on now.


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