And if Mommy could get some sleep it would be delightful....Again, baby girl could not sleep through the night. I did find out that a very good friend of hers is having the same issue so, at least I am not alone in this battle. Just tired!
I had a nice talk with G1 about her stuff from yesterday. She deals with things much differently than I ever did. She told me that once she leaves school she doesn't think about that kind of negative stuff. I hope that's true. I gave her a bit of advice. I told her to remember that when people tease it isn't worth it to get upset. She should just remember that she is better than that. If I remember correctly that kind of advice doesn't really help. I will just be there for her as best I can.
"What's his name" took time away from his busy schedule (fighting dragons) to hem a dress for G2. She needed it for a performance today with Concert Band. It's funny how I can do all that I do without even thinking about it and he does this one thing and it is a huge deal. He was complaining today about how long it took and how his hands were swollen from pricking himself with the needle. He had said something to G2 last night like "Next time we bring it to a tailor". I told him today that I was only trying to get him to partake in her life and I thought maybe that remark hurt her feelings. To tell the truth, I am sure she's fine but I needed to point out to him that his words matter.
Oh, and my bold move in e-mailing the nice man in my building? Nothin'. Not even a polite reply. This really brings out the insecure in me. I am still glad I took a chance though. Kind of like sticking a toe in the dating pool once again......
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